AOAC 955.17 Fungicidal Activity of Disinfectants

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This test is used to assess the fungicidal activity of a disinfectant. In this test, a typical fungus strain of Trichophyton mentagrophytes is cultured and resuspended in order to attain spore producing mycelium; however, the method can be modified to meet the needs of the study sponsor’s requirements. The test generally begins by arranging dilutions of the test substance in an ascending order and placing them in a recirculating water bath to help standardize the test temperature. Then, a specific aliquot of the fungal conidia (spore) suspension is added to each of the dilutions of test substance. Following the study sponsor’s specified contact time, an aliquot of the suspension is removed and placed in a neutralizing growth media and incubated for approximately 10 days at the appropriate temperature for fungal growth. After the 10 day incubation period, the tubes are scored to assess the highest dilution that still shows fungicidal activity. This is the dilution that is considered to be the highest acceptable dilution to disinfect a surface that is contaminated with the fungI in the given contact time.

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