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Antimicrobial Test Laboratories recently attended the AATCC (Association of Textile, Apparel and Materials Professionals) Antibacterial and Odor Control Conference in Durham, NC and the IFAI (Industrial Fabrics Association International) Expo in Anaheim, CA.



AATCC showcased the industry’s leading antimicrobial and odor control technologies during the multi-day conference. Among antimicrobial fabric technologies, silver took center stage. Application, efficacy and use advantages of silver were the topic of several presentations and consumed the showroom floor. Additionally, the need to adopt an industry standard for laundering was discussed, since manufacturers currently cater to customer-preferred methods that may bias results depending on the technology or application method.


The IFAI Expo was divided into specialty fabrics, shades and weather products, and advanced textiles. Companies from North America, South America and Asia exhibited textiles of all kinds, from manufacture to distribution. Although the presence of antimicrobial technology was minimal, the organization seems to be gaining interest in antimicrobial agents to control odor in sports, military and healthcare applications.


To learn more about the bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal properties of textiles, contact the lab.

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